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New Zealand Citizens living in Australia

For many New Zealand Citizens who are living in Australia, each time they enter Australia, a new SC444 visa is issued. This is the only temporary visa within the Australian Immigration system that does not have an end date. All other temporary visas are issued with a specific end date. New Zealanders who hold this visa can live in Australia forever. However, to become a Citizen of Australia, they need to become a permanent resident of Australia first.

From 1 July 2017, Australia introduced a new visa category for New Zealanders living in Australia. This new visa is for SC444 visa holders who have been usually resident in Australia continuously for five years and have started living in Australia on or before 19 February 2016. Taxable Income for the primary applicant must be no less than $53,900 for each of the past 4 financial years. Family members can be included in this visa, including those who do not hold the SC444 visa. However, the main applicant must be the holder of the SC444 visa. Applicants may be able to obtain a waiver for the taxable income salary, depending on their circumstances.

The Australian Government has made considerations for applicants to only pay 20% of the visa application charges upon lodgement of the application. Just prior to grant, the remaining fees will be required. Normal Character and Health requirements must be met.

Permanent Residents can stay in Australian indefinitely; work and study in Australia; enrol in Medicare which is Australia’s scheme for health related care and expenses; sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence; travel to and from Australia for five years; apply for Australian Citizenship.

New Zealand citizens who are granted this permanent visa will be eligible to apply for Australian Citizenship after 12 months. Australia recognises dual citizenship for Australian/New Zealand.

If you think you might be eligible to apply for this visa, or would like more information call us on 07 33108896, or email us on we would love to have the opportunity to help you call Australia your permanent home, or to make your way to citizenship!

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