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Way of Life
Australians are famous for a more relaxed approach to many aspects of life, especially when it comes to sport and leisure. The typical working week of Monday to Friday is bordered by two days off (a weekend), where people have the chance to catch up with friends or engage in any number of popular pastimes:
Day or weekend trips to the beach or the mountains
Hiking, windsurfing, rock climbing, jet skiing and fishing
Camping and four wheel driving
Playing or watching seasonal sport including rugby, cricket and tennis
Dining out at bustling cafes, restaurants and bars
Shopping in central business districts or shopping centres with hundreds of stores
As at November 2015 – the average weekly full time wage in Australia is recorded as being $1,556.30.
Workers in Australia will have 10 public holidays a year. Permanent workers will receive a minimum of 4 weeks annual paid leave, and that leave attracts an extra 17.5% pay loading. The first $18,000 earned in Australia is tax free. The minimum wage in Australia, for anyone over the age of 21, is $17.70 per hour. To see the exchange rate for Australian dollars click here.
Working in Australia